Hi I'm a sixteen years old girl from Indonesia. Stalk me here.
All the list of tutorials, please click here. Thank you.
Tempelate by yours trully. Do not open my page source. I will respect you if you're respect me.

Different Page Different Background // Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tadaa, lihat lihat ada yang baru di sidebar Lettha! Lihaaat cepat! haha bagaimana foto baru saiia? Cantik? Jelek? Seram? huhu whatever you say. Terima saja pemberian Allah :)

Tutorial ini Lettha CREDIT kan kepada Kevin and Amanda :) i hope u allowed me to publish this tuto at my blog...

Langsung saja ke tutorial yah :)

Weeeitss ! Jangan lupa kalo kamu banyak banyak pakai tutorial Lettha, tolong Pasang Link Blog Lettha di sidebar blog kamu, okay? Nggak mau pasang? DEAD! wkwkwk

Kalau mau copy tutorial Lettha juga tolong diberi credit to: Letthalicious okay?

Kalau mau bikin different link, different layout, begini caranya:

click read more !

Dashboard >Design >Edit HTML

Search code </head> by push F3. Then, paste this code above code </head> :

<b:if cond='data:blog.url ==

&quot;YOUR LINK&quot;'>


body {

background-image: url(YOUR LAYOUT LINK);background-position: center; background-repeat:repeat; background-attachment: fixed;





Look at the BOLD words. You can change the BOLD word by your link and your layout link.

Dah, itu aja. Karena RULES dari web yang punya tutorial ini menyatakan kalo tuto nya nggak boleh diubah ke bahasa lain, ya sudah Lettha tulis pakai bahasa aslinya. Nggak bisa bahasa Inggris? BELAJAR TAU! hahaha

O iya, yang Your Layout Link itu bisa di cari disini (web bg favorit Lettha):





Semoga sukses. Segala pertanyaan, silakan KOMENTAR!

Mau copy tutorial ini? Minta ijin dulu dan letakkan link Lettha taw!

Jangan lupa LIKE LIKE LIKE !!!