Hi I'm a sixteen years old girl from Indonesia. Stalk me here.
All the list of tutorials, please click here. Thank you.
Tempelate by yours trully. Do not open my page source. I will respect you if you're respect me.

Disable Open Page Source // Tuesday, December 20, 2011

First of all, tutorial ini khusus untuk pengguna Blogskin doank. Kalau tempelate designer/denim aku nggak tau. Coba coba aja ya, tapi jangan langsung disave, nanti ndak ERRORzz.

Cari code:


Delete code itu, ganti code ini:
<body oncontextmenu='return false;' onkeydown='return false;'>

Sebaiknya pakai tutorial ini kalau kamu nggak bikin tutorial, karena disable open source ini mematikan semua fungsi tombol keyboard.

Credit to: Nananitchiepie
